13:30 Thu.
7 Nov, 2013

Lots of it

Day 91 , 56 remain
Lulea , Sweden
-4 °C
7:41 am
2:44 pm

Just a quick update with some interesting facts. First one, I have one big assignment due Monday, so it looks like my big post about the trip will get postponed. Second one it has been snowing a lot last few days.

As I mentioned in previous post, there was snow when we arrived back from the trip. Tuesday night it was snowing a lot, so on Wednesday we all woke up to about 30cm of snow. The fun part was going to school at 8am with 20cm of snow on the sidewalk. For some reason I thought it will be faster if I take a bike. In the end I reached school after 20 minutes, many people that were walking were there before me and yeah it is really tiresome to pedal in that amount of snow. To top it off my bike froze like 3 times, every time you leave it out for an hour or so it freezes.

Anyway enough of complaining, in fact it’s quite fun to have this amount of snow, I really like it. The scenery has changed completely, it feels like Christmas already.

View from my window at 2pm.
View from my window at 2pm.
University covered in snow.
University covered in snow.
Frozen lake behind LTU
Frozen lake behind LTU
17:30 Tue.
5 Nov, 2013

Waw! What a great trip!

Day 89 , 58 remain
Lulea , Sweden
0 °C
7:35 am
2:52 pm

I’m back home. Trip was amazing, for sure the best one so far.

We make mistakes so we can learn from them, so this time I won’t split my itinerary in to multiple posts, but create one big post. This way I’ll force myself to do it much faster and it should look and read better. To do this I’ll have to make some small modifications to blog, so expect this post by Sunday.

To correct another mistake, in my previous post I stated that I’m going somewhere where it’s dark at 2’o clock. It was in fact other way around. What this means, I leave to you.

Anyway as usually if there is still someone that doesn’t know where I was here are two picture hints. 🙂

Submarines in the middle of the city.
Submarines in the middle of the city.
Who could this be?
Who could this be?
13:42 Wed.
30 Oct, 2013

Not really

Day 83 , 64 remain
Lulea , Sweden
6 °C
7:14 am
3:12 pm

Ok so today I’ve finished with my second (last) home exam. It was quite a rush and I’m starting to prefer regular exams oppose to “home” exams. They are much much longer, for example today I was working on it for 5h, and on the other one I think I spent 10+ h. Though only the one from today was a real exam, with theoretical questions and coding and stuff. The other one was more like a project, where you question everything you do and redo it 5 times at least.

So yes now I’m done with 1st quarter. Well not really, I still have one project due, but it’s more like do it whenever you want.

Anyway time is short. I’m really in a hurry last few days. Now I have exactly 23 minutes to prepare for departure for another trip. This time I’ll be gone till Tuesday. To where I’m going, let it remain a mystery, for now.

Fun fact, here is a picture of view from my window at 3’o clock. (In 1h I’ll be somewhere where it’s dark at 2 already 😀 yey looking forward to it 😀 ).

This is how dark it is at 3 o'clock
This is how dark it is at 3 o’clock
21:20 Wed.
23 Oct, 2013

End of first quarter.

Day 76 , 71 remain
Lulea , Sweden
1 °C
7:50 am
4:39 pm

Even though I still don’t know exact date of departure, I’ve inevitably reached half of my incredible journey. So far it has been everything and more what I expected from this adventure.

Today I had my last course in this quarter. What does that mean? Well now I have an “examination week”, where we have exams from courses we have taken in previous quarter. Luckily the courses I’ve taken don’t have exams but so called “home exam”. This is supposed to be exam that you solve at home, though it’s more like a project than exam. In one course it’s about 5-6 pages long project where we have to plan something, basically the same as we were doing during classes. We have about 2 weeks to solve this one. At the other course exam will be published on 30th and we will have 5 hours to solve it. This one should be a bit more similar to “normal” exams with theoretical questions.

I’ll post more about this after examination period. In other news: Nothing new in the North. =) Last few days were bit warmer, sadly melting all the snow. The other day I went on a “ski” hill to get a view over sunset. It was around -6 or -8 when I was taking pictures, my hand (without glove for handling camera) almost froze. View was amazing, you can notice how much sun has moved from summer pictures at my arrival.

Sunset over snowy hill.
Sunset over snowy hill.
Panorama from the nearby hill
Panorama from the nearby hill
10:27 Fri.
18 Oct, 2013

Finally here, yeah!

Day 71 , 76 remain
Lulea , Sweden
-4 °C
7:33 am
4:56 pm

So yes, we finally have snow here! It’s not much, yet but enough to cover roads. What is interesting is that even though snowflakes were tinny when snowing, they stuck to the ground as glue. Normally in Slovenia, if they are so small, they just melt.

Snow on the parking lot behind my buidling
Snow on the parking lot behind my building

Even though it’s enormously fun driving (bike) on the snow, I fell two times already. Nothing serious more like stepping/sitting off bike, but I was on the grounds after it. Second problem, which is much worst is that while I’m driving, snow gets stuck under my rear mud protector. Because everything is so cold it doesn’t melt, despite constant grinding of the wheel, but gets thicker and thicker. So what’s the problem with that, you may ask? Well it acts like a brake, a really good brake. I had to press pedals really hard to go downhill, while going uphill is impossible. I’m not sure what to do if this continues, probably I’ll rip mud protector off.

Lake starting to freeze
Lake starting to freeze