Just a quick update with some interesting facts. First one, I have one big assignment due Monday, so it looks like my big post about the trip will get postponed. Second one it has been snowing a lot last few days.
As I mentioned in previous post, there was snow when we arrived back from the trip. Tuesday night it was snowing a lot, so on Wednesday we all woke up to about 30cm of snow. The fun part was going to school at 8am with 20cm of snow on the sidewalk. For some reason I thought it will be faster if I take a bike. In the end I reached school after 20 minutes, many people that were walking were there before me and yeah it is really tiresome to pedal in that amount of snow. To top it off my bike froze like 3 times, every time you leave it out for an hour or so it freezes.
Anyway enough of complaining, in fact it’s quite fun to have this amount of snow, I really like it. The scenery has changed completely, it feels like Christmas already.