12:00 Sat.
12 Aug, 2017

From burgers to stakes

New York , United States
21 °C
6:15 am
7:41 pm

What is the most American food? I’m sure everyone answers to this with burgers and fries.

Hot dog at Intrepid museum.
Hot dog at Intrepid museum.

What did we eat? Almost everything I’ve even tried a jellyfish. But you quickly learn the rules, junk food is the cheapest one, still more expensive than in Slovenia though, but if you want a stake, you are going to pay more than whole meal in a fancy restaurant in Slovenia.

We got most of our food from the food trucks on the street. It’s relatively cheap, you get it fast. In most cases it actually tastes good. We were lucky enough to be present during food festival, where they closed whole avenue and had food market there. The variety of food was vast even though almost every other stand had some variant of Mexican food. I do like Mexican food here in Slovenia, but there it was in another league. I couldn’t believe how good it was despite its looks.

Remember how I said some girl asked us if we recommend something from the market? This was the best thing in the food festival. Gigantic turkey leg, for 9$. It was actually quite good, both Veronika and I managed to eat about half of it. I’m not sure what that poor girl did with it.

Whole turkey leg for 9$.
Whole turkey leg for 9$.

We did go to a restaurant two times. First time we had a stake and some pasta. The service was great, every 3 minutes there was waiter refilling our drinks and asking if we want anything else. In the end the tab was 100$ for a stake and some pasta. I would estimate that in Slovenia it would cost around 20-30€.  The second time it was around 90$ for a salad and NY stake.

For stake and pasta with soup.
For stake and pasta with soup.

We did managed to go into some supermarkets few times. There the world is upside down. Everything is incredibly cheap, you can get around 5l of Arizona ice tea for 2.5$, in Slovenia you pay that much for one can. They also have some absurdly big packaging, we managed to buy a 1kg package of skittles.

Arizona Ice Tea
Arizona Ice Tea
Some corn with cheese
Some corn with cheese
20:00 Fri.
11 Aug, 2017

and it's people

New York , United States
21 °C
6:15 am
7:41 pm

The city itself is very interesting especially if you are not used to the American architectures. All the streets are straight and perpendicular to each other which makes navigation a breeze. The old buildings are nice and interesting and everything is big.

The down side of such a big city is that you can’t keep it clean, by the looks of it. There was this bad smell almost everywhere from all the thrash (bags) that are usually just left in the middle of sidewalks.

There are some neighbourhoods that look almost like scenes from a criminal movie. Dark, narrow with old abandoned buildings. From time to time you can see an empty loft with overgrown grass and vegetation – almost like some jungle between the buildings.

The metro system – the most efficient way to move around the city looks old. It’s incredibly large with multiple entries and exits to a station with poor directions so we got lost quite a lot. There are a lot of stairs and narrow passages which makes it incredibly hard to navigate with large suitcase. The trains are old bug generally kept clean and full of people all the time.

Navigation is easy. Long streets alongside the city are avenues, the perpendicular are streets.
Navigation is easy. Long streets alongside the city are avenues, the perpendicular are streets.

People on the other hand don’t quite fit the traditional American fat guy riding a scooter while eating a burger with one hand and shooting a gun with another.  Most of the people in New York are fit and dressed well, the city is very very expensive, so the people who actually afford to live in it are in general very rich. If you earn less than 100k$ / year you will have very bad time living there.

There is this stereotype that the people in New York are rude, it’s hard to say if it is true or not, when you see them on the street they are always in a hurry running somewhere. If you ask them something they usually just ignore you. On the other hand there were two cases, where they just came up to us and asked us something, it’s even stranger because at the time me and Veronika were speaking in Slovene and I know they’ve heard us, but still they came to us and in one case asked us on some advice about size clothing and in the other hand a girl asked us if we would recommend some gigantic turkey leg from the grill, I’m still not sure how she ate all that thing.

Beside the businessman in the suits you can see all sorts of people doing all sorts of jobs, from jumping around half naked taking pictures with the tourists to the couriers who deliver fast mail during rush hour on bikes. I even encountered a hotel manager at the conference who came from Serbia and was in Maribor or Ptuj in the army.

Taking photos with tourist is one of the most lucrative ways of "street" performances.
Taking photos with tourist is one of the most lucrative ways of street “performances”.
The most known brand in the world
The most known brand in the world


12:00 Fri.
11 Aug, 2017

and Central Park

New York , United States
23 °C
Mostly Cloudy
6:14 am
7:43 pm

If you ask a stranger to say 3 words associated with the New York most of them will say Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and Central Park. We have visited statue of liberty many times already (Veronika actually went visit the statue again, this time actually landing on the island)  so it was about time to see something else.

Empire state building
Empire state building

That something else was nothing else but Empire State Building. One of the most iconic skyscrapers in the New York, being features in countless films – King Kong, despite being built in the early 20th century it is still one of the tallest buildings in New York.

We took an elevator up to the 100th floor and then at the top took a couple of floors of stairs to get to the top. Needless to say the views were incredible. The central position of the building offers unobstructed view all over Manhattan.

East side of Manhattan.
East side of Manhattan.

Being so high up you could barely see cars let alone people down there. You could watch tiny building down there, not knowing they are much higher than what we have here in Slovenia.

Financial District
Financial District
Top of the rock as seen from Empire State Building
Top of the rock as seen from Empire State Building

The other grand landmark of New York is its central park. If you would put it in Ljubljana, it would take space from north to south highway – it’s enormous. Because our hotel was located quite close to it we often visited it. There were a lot of pathways and lakes you could walk around. The park was very well taken care of, everything was clean and you felt safe.

Views from central park
Views from central park

There were many squirrels running around the park also, being used to people feeding them you could actually pet them, if you brought it a walnut.


20:00 Thu.
10 Aug, 2017

IJCAI 2016

New York , United States
22 °C
12:00 am
7:54 pm

The conference started on Saturday and I was lucky enough to have my presentation on the first day. I was a bit nervous but luckily it was soon over. After that I had a chance to enjoy presentations from others – among who the Google was the best. They presented their system which won game of Go early that year.

Computer beating humans at game of GO.
Computer beating humans at game of GO.

It was not all work – if you can actually call it work. We had several social events in the evening like visiting the Modern art gallery where they had paintings from famous artists like Van Gogh, Picasso and many others I don’t recognise.

The conference was interesting, yet very intense. The lectures were happening in parallel in at least 5 different halls and you had to be careful you didn’t miss the one you wanted to hear. It was very intensive mentally, a lot of presenters had strong accents combined with in depth math theory behind their programs it was hard to follow. Luckily there were some easy, more fun oriented, topic covered also. For example there was a competition in Angry birds game where humans were pitted against computer.

Presenting my article at IJCAI
Presenting my article at IJCAI
12:00 Thu.
10 Aug, 2017

Madame tussaud New York

New York , United States
24 °C
6:12 am
7:46 pm

Next day (Friday) I met with all my co-workers who have arrived previous day, we had a short meeting, over super expensive breakfast in hotel (20$ for bacon and eggs), to plan the following days.

But before “real” work really started we had one more museum to visit. Natural history museum – one of the most known museums in USA, being featured in many movies among other in a “Night in a Museum”.

Natural History Museum, New York
Natural History Museum, New York

The museum is extremely large, it spans multiple floors in a very large building. If you download their app you actually have indoor positioning system where it guides you around the museum – as a virtual guide and tells you your exact position. We were quite impressed by this thing and are now trying to implement it at our institute. Exhibits range from prehistoric cave man, dinosaurs to the modern day mammals. The museum has a lot of exhibits about different rock formations and also features some astronomy exhibits.

In the following days we were working most of the day. We started at around 8-9AM and finished around 7-8PM. We didn’t have much time to go sightseeing anymore, only on short excursions in the evening before sleep.

Time Square, behind our hotel.
Time Square, behind our hotel.

One of such excursions was Madame Tussaud where we had a chance to take some photos with wax figures of famous people. Supposedly the exhibit wasn’t the best as you could clearly see that the statues were made from wax. I was told that in London you can barely tell the difference between a real person and his statue.

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston