Remember the glowing eyes I posted in first post after coming back? Well that was shot just before BBQ. Here are some more pictures. (BTW: Have you guessed who they belonged to?)

I don’t remember ever seeing fox outside zoo and this one was as you can see really close. Funny thing is that it wasn’t afraid of people. Sure it ran away when I tried to get closer, but never too far away that I couldn’t see her.

Anyway BBQ after “fox hunting” wasn’t anything special; chatting, eating … usual stuff. After BBQ around 9’o clock it was dark already so I decided to go a bit away from camp and take some pictures of the sky. As I said before camp was located away from the city and there was no civilization toward north to pollute air with light. I made a short hike on a nearby hill, laid down on my back and watch the stars. After few moments my eyes adapted to darkness and I could see sky covered with billions of little dots – stars and galaxies. Night was cold and quiet, somewhere in the distance I could hear dog(s) hauling…

Next morning and by morning I mean 5’o clock, we woke up and went to the other side of the lake to admire sunrise. Despite being relatively warm during the day it looks like nights were below zero because we could see frozen ponds and frost was all over grass. Soon after we reached our destination sky turned pink and then purple, it was spectacular. Sadly we were behind a hill so we couldn’t see actual sun rising up. Bad miscalculation!

At 10’o clock same day we went on a bus tour of islands. Sky was getting cloudy as we departed and it began to rain after a while. We were basically driving whole day, around islands, from time to time stopping to see beach or some other point of interest (usually another beach). Once we saw the biggest Viking house in the world, but sadly we didn’t stopped to look it closely, but just drove by (still don’t know why all the haste).

At the end we stopped in Reine where we saw some weird contraption for drying herring (or some other fish, I don’t remember). There we got a chance to buy some postcards as well. Here was first time I came to realisation just how expensive Norway is. For 5 postcards with stamps I spent around 15€.

In retrospect nothing special happened on the bus trip and it would be the same if we would skip it. Luckily weather cleared toward evening (when we came back) so we were able to go on a short walk around the town. Actually it wasn’t just some random walk, but we were searching for a beginning of path on a hill spanning over the town. Some people went up there in the morning and supposedly the view over sunrise was spectacular. Naturally we were planning to do the same trip next morning. After about 2h of searching we gave up and asked some random guy who then led us to the path. Again I must point out how nice the people were, he walked with us for about 10minutes to get to the beginning of path.
After that we looked for mail-box from where I could send postcards and went home. It was 9’o clock when we were asleep.