15:48 Wed.
23 Aug, 2017

Best Paper Award

Melbourne , Australia
7 °C
Mostly Cloudy
6:54 am
5:51 pm

One of the main reasons, probably the only one, why I came to Australia at this time was the IJCAI conference. Again I was lucky enough to have had a paper accepted to one of the workshops that are included in the conference.

The workshops have started on Saturday this week and I’ve been going to lectures and presentations since. It’s quite rough, I usually have to wake up around 7 AM to be at the conference at around 8 AM and we don’t finish before 6 PM, sometimes even later.  This was especially hard during the first few days when I had full effects of jet lag. I almost fell asleep few times during the afternoon and despite going to sleep early, I usually got really tired afternoon. For some unexplained reason I also woke up sometime in the middle of night for no apparent reason, luckily I was able to fall asleep soon after.

I had my first presentation on Sunday. I was presenting a paper my colleges wrote, but were unable to come here, JSI Sound – paper about sound classification.

Me giving a presentation
Me giving a presentation

During the Saturday and Sunday the conference was held at the University of Melbourne and wow, I haven’t seen more beautiful building yet. It can’t be more than 5 years old, it’s full of LEDs everywhere, strange shapes and stairways like Hogwarts. Must be really cool to study at such cool university.

On Monday we moved to the Melbourne convention center, that is just across the river from our hotel. In the afternoon I was presenting my paper Intelligent Assistant Carer for Active Ageing at BOOM workshop. Somehow we were lucky enough to have won:  best paper award. It’s great thing and will look good in my CV, although I don’t think it will further my PhD research anytime soon.

Me and my colleges winning best paper award for our paper.
Me and my colleges winning best paper award for our paper.

In the evening we had reception at the cricket stadium nearby. It was without doubt my best day in Australia yet. We had some great food, drinks and native  Aborigine  playing didgeridoo. But the best part was … they brought some native Australian animals to the reception. This included koala, kangaroo, dingo, snake and some lizard. I was even more surprised when I was able to pet the dingo a bit, not only that but I was able to feed him some meat his trainer gave me. The evening only continue to get better as I was able to scratch baby kangaroo behind his ears. His fur was surprisingly soft, like touching a cloud.

Me, koala and kangaroo behind me.
Me, koala and kangaroo behind me.

Beside kangaroo there was also a Koala bear eating a bag of eucalyptus. Whole area smelt of it.

On Tuesday the real conference started. We started at 7.45 with introduction talk and welcome by some aboriginal representative. There are I would guess around 2 thousand attendees at the conference listening to around 600 papers that were submitted. Everything runs in parallel in 7-10 rooms and sadly every other presentation is done by some Chinese guy with almost impossible to understand accent. It is mentally exhausting trying to focus on problems they are presenting and the bad language doesn’t help at all. At the end of the day I can barely think or walk. Yesterday I fell asleep as soon as I came home, 8PM and slept until 7AM next day.

04:00 Tue.
22 Aug, 2017

Melbourne Aquarium

Melbourne , Australia
7 °C
6:56 am
5:49 pm

Just across the street of our hotel there is Melbourn Aquarium. Since it’s so close we decided to go by and take a look inside. Sadly the aquarium is much smaller than the one in Hong Kong, but it has some species that I haven’t seen before.

Soon after entering you get a chance to touch the egg of a shark. I didn’t even know they have eggs let alone that they look like some sea cucumber. 🙂

Shark Eggs
Shark Eggs

Soon after we had a chance to meet what laid out of this eggs.

The main aquarium was large with multiple species of sharks, a swordfish, sting rays and some gigantic fishes.

Large colourful fish
Large colourful fish
Me standing beside the big fish
Me standing beside the big fish

After we went by the exhibit of a gigantic crocodile. Sadly in the picture it doesn’t look as large, but his head must have been as big as a small cow. We asked about it and he was about 5m long and weighted 700kg.

5m long, weighting about 700kg
5m long, weighting about 700kg

Afterwards I, for the first time in my life, saw sea horses. Can you spot it?

Sea horse
Sea horse
Sea horse
Sea horse

We also spotted some weird nosed fishes.

I have no idea what it does with that nose.
I have no idea what it does with that nose.

And last but not least, we saw a pack of penguins. They seemed to be more lazy than the ones in Hong Kong since no-one was swimming. They actually have some wild penguins here that live on a island nearby of Melbourne, but sadly I don’t think we’ll have time to see them.

14:18 Sun.
20 Aug, 2017

Where weather changes every 30 minutes

Melbourne , Australia
7 °C
6:58 am
5:49 pm

Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia, with 4.4M inhabitants is set to surpass Sydney as the largest city by the year 2030.

City as far as the eye can see.
City as far as the eye can see.

In the past few days we had several opportunities to walk around the city and get a feel for it. It’s a mix of old buildings being shadowed by high modern skyscrapers. I think I saw at least 3 skyscrapers over 70 floors that are being build at the moment. The city had an golden era during mid 19th century when gold has been found in the area around it. Since then it has competed with Sydney for the most influence city of Australia.

The city is relatively clean – for a big city, with lots of parks, trees and greenery. Sadly since it’s winter here most of the trees are leafless. It is winter here and the weather is quite weird. It is constantly changing in 1 hour it rained 2 times, there was a hail and sun with clear sky above the city showed for 2 times. The temperature currently are around 5-10 in the morning and can get up to 15 in the afternoon. When the sun is out it can be quite worm, if there is no wind, which is rarely. We really wish we would have brought more winter clothing with us.

The city also boasts the oldest china town in the world. And has tons largest, fastest, longest, biggest … in the southern hemisphere, which literary means Australia and New Zeland (well you have a bit of South America and Africa as well).

As said before, view from our hotel is surprisingly good, but even a 28th store building gets dwarfed by the tallest building in Melbourne – Eureka and it’s skydeck. Today we had a chance to go up there on a 88th floor. It’s incredible how large the metropolitan area is, you can barely see the edge of the city when the lights get up. It’s in the 25th largest cities in the world by the city area, despite only having 4.4M inhabitants.

The entertainment district just across the river from our hotel.
The entertainment district just across the river from our hotel.
01:00 Sat.
19 Aug, 2017


Melbourne , Australia
6 °C
12:00 am
5:47 pm

I was looking quite long to find this hotel a month ago, but I am happy I did so. The hotel is located just at the age of the city center and the entrance to the new commercial zone. Most importantly it’s just by the park named Batman. 🙂

We are located on the 24th floor, which gives us relatively good view to both north and east of the city. Sadly in a corner there is next building quite close by so the view isn’t perfect.

View from our room.
View from our room.

The room is large and includes fully functional kitchen, which comes in really handy if you want to save a buck or two and rather eat pasta smuggled from Slovenia instead of going out for a lunch/dinner which usually costs more than 30€.

The bathroom is small but also includes washing and drying machine, which will come real handy down the week.

Tloris, we have the top room.


15:56 Thu.
17 Aug, 2017


Melbourne , Australia
8 °C
Partly Cloudy
12:00 am
5:46 pm

In Abu Dhabi we boarded a gigantic Airbus 380 – the largest passenger plane in the world. It has two floors and 3-4-3 seats per row. Luckily the plane was not fully booked so Veronika and I had a free sit by the window. Sadly we were seated in the middle of the wing, which was so huge it was impossible to past it to the ground.

Charging stations in Abu Dhabi airport.
Charging stations in Abu Dhabi airport.

The flight was calm yet very very long. I don’t know what’s with me and log flights this was the 3rd time in the row where I got really sea sick at the end of last flight – and this was despite me taking 2 pills against sea sickens. Anyway after 13 hours in the air we finally landed.

After quite thorough customs check, and after they determined we didn’t bring any diseases, foreign seeds, tuna fish and other meats they let us enter Australia.  Oh and I almost forgot, the first customs’ office we encountered after entering the airport, not only knew where Slovenia is, but was here multiple times on visits. 🙂

After leaving the airport in shorts and t-shirt we were greeted by a cold wintry air of Australia. It must have been funny seeing me buying bus tickets outside in the open in shorts on one side and the seller wearing winter jacket, hat and gloves on the other.

The drive from the airport took about 30 minutes and then 5 more minutes walk to our hotel. We soon checked-in and went to our room at 24th floor. The apartment is nice, but more on this later, the only thing wrong is it’s actually quite cold in here. I guess everything here is build for hot summers.

Melbourne from our hotel
Melbourne from our hotel