Just across the street of our hotel there is Melbourn Aquarium. Since it’s so close we decided to go by and take a look inside. Sadly the aquarium is much smaller than the one in Hong Kong, but it has some species that I haven’t seen before.
Soon after entering you get a chance to touch the egg of a shark. I didn’t even know they have eggs let alone that they look like some sea cucumber. 🙂

Soon after we had a chance to meet what laid out of this eggs.
The main aquarium was large with multiple species of sharks, a swordfish, sting rays and some gigantic fishes.

After we went by the exhibit of a gigantic crocodile. Sadly in the picture it doesn’t look as large, but his head must have been as big as a small cow. We asked about it and he was about 5m long and weighted 700kg.

Afterwards I, for the first time in my life, saw sea horses. Can you spot it?

We also spotted some weird nosed fishes.

And last but not least, we saw a pack of penguins. They seemed to be more lazy than the ones in Hong Kong since no-one was swimming. They actually have some wild penguins here that live on a island nearby of Melbourne, but sadly I don’t think we’ll have time to see them.