19:08 Wed.
16 Aug, 2017

1/3 of a way

Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates
35 °C
5:58 am
6:55 pm

After 6 hours of flight we’ve made it to Abu Dhabi. We are on 1/3 of the way. The fight was nice and calm and I was able to see the dessert for the first time through the plane window. Sadly it’s already night here, so not much to see. The airport is enormous, we walked for about half an hour to get to our terminal for the next flight.

Well not much time to waste, our next stage begins in less than an hour, about 13 hours on the plane. :/

Desert over Iraq/Iran.
Desert over Iraq/Iran.



11:07 Wed.
16 Aug, 2017

Down under

Venice , Italy
25 °C
Mostly Cloudy
6:13 am
8:16 pm

It’s time for another adventure. Again I am lucky enough to work in a company where I can travel so much and so far. This time Veronika and I are going really really far. If you put a pin from Slovenia through the center of Earth, it will come out a bit east of New Zeland. I wont be far away from there. Next destination: Melbourne, Australia

Venice airport.
Venice airport.