Oh I hate group projects so much. Another sleepless night, finishing group project … alone.
Enough complaining for now (or I’ll be here till morning). Today (oh I mean yesterday) morning was really cold. A teacher told me that at 7 AM it was still snowing, sadly I missed this spectacular event (for September) as I was sleeping till 9 AM. By that time snowfall has stopped, temperature raised to 1.5 degree above zero, and whatever snow (if any) stuck to the ground melted shortly. Strangely temperature continued to raise throughout the day (and night) to now warm 7 degrees. Ah so much for snow this night …
The temperatures dropped quite a lot this week. I’ve been going to school with cap and gloves for quite some time now, but lately I’ve started to feel cold even in this. Maybe it’s time to upgrade my winter jacket.
Today evening I’m going on a trip to Norway for 4 days. We’ll visit Lofoten islands. They are supposed to be very beautiful (I won’t check pictures beforehand, because I don’t want to spoil first impression). Even though Lofoten is beyond polar circle the temperatures are milder thanks to the warmth of Gulf Stream. Even though to reach it we will pass over mountains where I expect temperatures well below zero. It shall be fun.
I will return from the trip on Tuesday, hopefully with great experience and tons of pictures to share.
For now, here are pictures from another group dinner yesterday and some nicely collared forest as seen from my window few days ago.