Long time ago, my French teacher (from Paris) was explaining to us how friends came to visit her in Slovenia. At one point they asked her how far the Venice is from Nova Gorica, and when she said 1hours they couldn’t believe it’s so close and in no time left apartment for a drink in Venice. It was 11PM.

It’s hard to imagine for us Slovenians what far really is. Washington is considered close to New York, yet it took us more than 12 hours with a bus to reach it. On our ways we stopped in Philadelphia, where Declaration of Independence was signed in the late 18th century. Movie connoisseurs will know Philadelphia from The Rockly movie as well.
It took us a couple of stops to get to the Washington and at each stop we couldn’t get accustomed to the size of the cars they drive in the USA. If you would look at the cars you would imagine they are driving in the Himalayas each day with all the 4×4 they have.
In Washington we had whole afternoon to walk around the sites. It must have been 40 degrees C that day, sweat was dripping from us as we were walking from Lincon memorial to the Aerospace museum and Capitol on the other site. The aerospace museum was particularly interesting, they had models of German jet, from WW2, mars rover, which is much larger than one would imagine from images, some rockets and so on.

We finished the day with the visit to the whitest of the houses.

In the evening we boarded the bus again and set our course toward north. Next day we were driving whole day, stopping in the middle of nowhere in the Glass museum. It was interesting to see how they make different products out of glass and you could also try to make some glass figurines yourself.
After few more hours we arrived to some ravine and falls, nothing to special compared to what we have in Slovenia.