Today’s one week since I’m here in Luleå. I can’t believe how fast it went by, I still feel like I arrived yesterday. The main reason I know it’s been so long is because days are getting shorter amazingly fast. Today the day is shorter for about an hour than it was last week. I don’t think it’s possible to see horizon throughout whole night anymore, although I’ve had some cloudy nights lately so I can’t say for sure.
Anyway this week has been fun, I did a lot of walking, exploring and took tons of photos. I wouldn’t mind if the weather would be few degrees higher, but that’s how it is up here in the north. I still haven’t managed to get a bike, hopefully I’ll find one soon.
After waking up this morning I went for a short run around the Björkskatan. Predictably I found out that I was out of shape although I didn’t break a sweat (guess why). After that Sofi called me and told me that king of Sweden is in Luleå and that we should go see him. We went to the old town (Gammelstad) where he would make an appearance.
I was hoping that he would be wearing a funny hat (example: King of Sweden) but no such luck. There were a lot less people there than I would have expect, probably because old town is quite far from centre and he was visiting a lot of places all over the city. I’ve managed to take some pictures of him. And yes, now I can say I was this close to the king of Sweden.

After that he went in to the old church and sadly, we weren’t allowed to go in with him. We used this time for a tour of Gammelstad. After king came out of the church we were allowed to go in again. The church is really old and nice inside, I took some pictures and then we were off to a coffee shop nearby.

Ordering at the coffee shop was a bit strange for me as you firstly had to pay for what you wanted and then took/poured it yourself from the table nearby. I had the most amazing cupcake in my life and Sofi had some warm sandwiches that looked more like salad than sandwich.

After that Sofi took me to a shop where I could buy shower curtains (yes I was missing one if I didn’t mentioned it before so every time I took a shower the bathroom was flooded). I bought a pillow as well. To my surprise this two thing were quite cheap (or at least I think they were) costing around 12€ in total.
After I came home a guy came to fix my window. It wasn’t a big fix he only greased the hinges of handle and the thing somehow started to work. Well I’m not complaining as long as it continues to work.
Today and tomorrow there is some sort of festival in the town. I was too tired to go today but if it won’t rain tomorrow I’ll probably go take a look.