Yesterday I managed to do enough work on gallery that I can say it’s finished (for now). Currently there is only one album (pictures from blog) but I will (soon) post some other albums as well.
Yesterday evening we had a get to know each other BBQ. It was in a different part of tow so we had to walk for about 30minutes to get there. It was really fun meeting and chatting with all those people from all over the world. There was a guy from Korea, Argentina, USA and of course most countries of Europe. There are really a lot of French and Germans and we are 4 Slovenians (although I still don’t know who the 4th person is). Later in the night we split in to two groups some went to a party in the centre of Lulea others stayed at BBQ area.
Today we were scheduled for a hike to the old town (Gammelstad). We walked through the forest for about 1.5 hours. The track was really narrow and through some swamps again but this time there were wooden boards on the ground so we didn’t sink in to the mud. At the midpoint we came across a (bird) watch tower. I’m sure this will be my favourite destination in winter for watching northern lights.

After we arrived to the old town we went to see the church (again), this time there was a girl singing and playing organ pipes. It was really cool. Later we went to the same coffee place as last time. Today I had this cake (see picture). It was really good but I liked the last one better.

Soon after we split in to two groups. Most went back with the bus, few of us walked back through the forest. When we arrived to the university we were just in time to go on a campus tour. The campus is divided in to several buildings that are interlinked with underground hallways. These will come in very handy when there will be -30 degrees outside, because you don’t have to go outside to come from one building to another

The university is beautifully build with a lot of wood and windows. I will try and take some better pictures of it later and maybe describe it a bit more in to details. So far I’m really impressed with it and it is much better than in Slovenia (until they build us new one next year (I hope)).
After I finally came home I grabbed something to eat and took a shower. It was nice to sit down after a whole day of walking. I almost forgot. Today the last roommate arrived. So now we are Slovenian, German, Spanish and 2 French guys. There was another French here before, but he exchanged place with Spaniard because there was some mix-up with papers and contracts at the beginning so they were in wrong dorms until now.
Now we have another BBQ, but this one I’ll skip because I’m too tired from walking whole day long. Later I will probably go to a welcoming party at the university, if I’ll manage to get up from this chair.