16:30 Wed.
16 Oct, 2013

So full!

Day 69 , 78 remain
Lulea , Sweden
0 °C
Light Snow Shower
7:26 am
5:02 pm

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I’ve got package with Slovenian ingredients previous week. After receiving hundreds and hundreds (I’m not joking I actually got some :D) of suggestions for Slovenian dishes and based on ingredients from package, I’ve decided to make “Kremšnite” (not sure if word exists in English).

They are surprisingly easy to make, only problem was I didn’t had rolling pin nor did I have mixer. So the hardest part was how to stretch dough. After numerous attempts at improvisation using various alufoil rolls and cups I’ve given up and just stretched it with hands. The second hardest thing was how to wipe cream without mixer. Well 1h later, with no feeling in my hands, I can tell you: it can be done by hand. 😛

Anyway making crust out of dough and putting everything together was easy. Esthetical look was nothing near what you get at restaurant at Bled but taste was pretty similar.

My home made kremšnita. I mixed the cream by hand! :(
My home made kremšnita. I mixed the cream by hand! 🙁

I did this on Saturday and server id with some pasta carbonara (I know it’s not Slovenian, but it’s easy to make and only pasta I eat) to some hungry friends. After they ate they all agreed that it was good (but you know how much you can trust this things …. 🙂 ). Luckily nobody died from food poisoning so Kremšnite got a green light for food festival.

On Sunday evening we had food festival. About 50 people made some dishes that they normally eat in their home country. There was one million French deserts, some Japanese fish, Korean sushi, and numerous things I never saw before. Everything looked really good and after tasting almost all the dishes I was so full I didn’t know how I’d get home, probably roll.

Food was surprisingly good, there wasn’t a single dish that I disliked. And no one got food poisoning, so at the end event was successful, only side effect that we all got was gain a lot of wait from all the food we ate. I will defiantly have to try and get some recipes for the dishes I really liked.

09:22 Wed.
16 Oct, 2013

First snow

Day 69 , 78 remain
Lulea , Sweden
-1 °C
Mostly Cloudy
7:26 am
5:02 pm
First snow that stuck to the ground.
First snow that stuck to the ground.
23:12 Wed.
9 Oct, 2013

Slovenian food

Day 62 , 85 remain
Lulea , Sweden
7 °C
Partly Cloudy
7:03 am
5:28 pm

Today I received package from Slovenia. It was from guess who… Veronika. 🙂 The package was filled with variety of (Slovenian) ingredients, sweets and other kind of food that I can’t find here. I must say I was looking forward to this package for quite some time. Now when it’s finally here it’s half gone already. I don’t remember when, if ever, I ate so much candy in such a short time. And there were some Slovenian sausages there as well, surprisingly surviving long trip up here. Today after really long time I had a Slovenian dinner (or at least dinner with ingredients I normally eat in Slovenian). Thank you again Veronika! ***

15:50 Thu.
3 Oct, 2013

Northern Lights

Day 56 , 91 remain
Lulea , Sweden
14 °C
6:46 am
5:52 pm

Some more pictures of aurora.

Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
Northern lights over Luleå
09:50 Thu.
3 Oct, 2013

Northern lights

Day 56 , 91 remain
Lulea , Sweden
8 °C
6:46 am
5:52 pm

On 1st October there was a massive sun storm. Because certain kind of particles from this storm take many hours to get to Earth it was easy to predict northern lights. Yesterday I was finally prepared, with tripod and in the right place waiting for show to begin. I didn’t have to wait long here is result:

Aurora borealis - green fire in the sky
Aurora borealis – green fire in the sky