This time the trip took us almost 14 hours over night. We were able to sleep a bit on the bus, but we were still tired when we arrived in early morning to our next destination – Rainbow Beach.

After we unpacked we had a quick snack and then a surfing lesson. We started our trip at a local surfing school where we boarded a 4×4 and drove about an hour down the beach (we were actually driving on the beach) until we reached small peninsula at the end. We unpacked, some people went kayaking along peninsula while three of us went for a surfing lesson.

Our teacher was an interesting fellow. He looked just like Jesus, and had a funny surfer’s lingo. I suppose you get that if you surf your whole life. 🙂 Anyway he soon thought as the basic idea of surfing, we tried to stand up couple of times on the ground, easy, peace of cake, let’s go into the water.
Once we were in the sea it was a whole new thing. First you have to “catch” the wave by paddling on the surf, then you have to stand – which is like trying to do a push-up where you jump at the end and to top it the board is constantly moving below your legs. Needles to say we had not much luck while trying to stand up, we did get hit in the head by the surf couple of times however. In the end I think Veronika and I each managed to stand up and surf for a bit 2 times each and this was with our instructor pushing us at the beginning, so we didn’t have to paddle.

It was very fun to try it, and just after 2 hours we were so tired we could barely hold our surf with the hands let alone do push ups on it in order to stand up.
It was a nice day and just before we left we saw another group of whales who were swimming alongside the beach.

In the afternoon we returned to our hostel, where we had a briefing for our next adventure on Fraser island. After the briefing Veronika and I had a dinner in a bar somewhere in town, that the surfer dude recommended, it was the best dinner we had in whole Australia.