What is the most American food? I’m sure everyone answers to this with burgers and fries.

What did we eat? Almost everything I’ve even tried a jellyfish. But you quickly learn the rules, junk food is the cheapest one, still more expensive than in Slovenia though, but if you want a stake, you are going to pay more than whole meal in a fancy restaurant in Slovenia.
We got most of our food from the food trucks on the street. It’s relatively cheap, you get it fast. In most cases it actually tastes good. We were lucky enough to be present during food festival, where they closed whole avenue and had food market there. The variety of food was vast even though almost every other stand had some variant of Mexican food. I do like Mexican food here in Slovenia, but there it was in another league. I couldn’t believe how good it was despite its looks.
Remember how I said some girl asked us if we recommend something from the market? This was the best thing in the food festival. Gigantic turkey leg, for 9$. It was actually quite good, both Veronika and I managed to eat about half of it. I’m not sure what that poor girl did with it.

We did go to a restaurant two times. First time we had a stake and some pasta. The service was great, every 3 minutes there was waiter refilling our drinks and asking if we want anything else. In the end the tab was 100$ for a stake and some pasta. I would estimate that in Slovenia it would cost around 20-30€. The second time it was around 90$ for a salad and NY stake.

We did managed to go into some supermarkets few times. There the world is upside down. Everything is incredibly cheap, you can get around 5l of Arizona ice tea for 2.5$, in Slovenia you pay that much for one can. They also have some absurdly big packaging, we managed to buy a 1kg package of skittles.