First an old news: I finally bought snow shoes. They are warm, look kind of cool and if it is to believe the salesmen (multiple of them for what matters) they are the best you can buy here. I also got a haircut at a Turkish barber, who isn’t part of barber’s cartel, so I “only” paid 25€. The haircut isn’t the best one I’ve gotten but it’s still better than the long hair I had before.
Today I woke up to an ice-cold, blue-sky morning. As soon as I stepped outside I was smacked in my face by a -15 ice cold air. It’s weird but other than face (which was unprotected) I didn’t felt much cold, I’m sure that when it was -2, the other day, I felt colder with same amount clothes.
On my way to school my bike chain broke as I started to climb a small hill. It took me around 10 minutes to repair it, since I didn’t want to touch any metal without gloves.
On my way back from school I decided it has finally been cold long enough for lake to freeze deep enough. As I approached the lake I saw some people skating on it, so I felt pretty safe that it will hold my weight.

This was first time I ever walked over a frozen lake. To my surprize it wasn’t as slippery as I imagine it would be. After few stapes I got a really big adrenalin rush as I saw quite deep crack in the ice. After much deliberation I decided to examine it a bit further. Ice wasn’t cracking as I approached it, and when I was finally close enough to see it clearly I saw its only 5cm deep. The surrounding ice was more than 20cm thick, so I think it was quite safe. Nevertheless I did try and avoid cracks later on.

As I reached other side I decided to go take a picture of some bushes near the lake. I went over something that seemed like sewer drain. After few steps ice under one foot gave and I stepped into shallow water (I hope it was only water -.-). Thank god I was wearing my new shoes so my feet didn’t get wet, but my pants got soaked around ankles part. Needless to say pants froze in 1 minute. It was actually funny, I could break them in half.

After this, I decided it would probably be a good idea to go back. On the way back I took some pictures and while looking toward sun and through camera viewfinder my eyes watered a bit. This normally isn’t a problem unless your tears freeze each time you blink and therefore glue your eye lids together.

All in all it was a fun day.