Can’t believe it went by so fast. It seems like yesterday I was still playing hockey and riding my bike in the snow.
I still remember my thoughts and feelings of excitement and a pinch of uncertainty when I stepped of the train. Everything ended up great, greatly surpassing all my expectations, those were the best days of my life, well almost, if Veronika could join me for whole time then they would =).
Enough about past, lets fast forward to present. Since I came home I travelled some more, I’ve visited Luxembourg and Frankfurt. Chose worst course since I went to college, started working at IJS again and began working on my master’s thesis.
In recent month I’ve finally moved to a new apartment in Ljubljana, together with Veronika. We are finally alone and I finally have only 5 minutes of walking to work / school, as opposed to 1 hours buss drive I had before. Since we moved I also got new pet, let me present you Mrs. Biba.

Since I’m buried in work this will be enough information for now. After I finish all my school work (fingers crossed) in September, I’ll upgrade this blog, so it will have more chapters, not just Luleå and finally deliver those graphs about expenses that I’m promising and kind of want to see them myself.