Yesterday was raining whole day so I didn’t do much. I worked on blog and watched some films. At around 8 PM raining stopped so I decided to go on a close by hill to take some shots of drying landscape. The sun was just setting down so I got some really nice shots and I took one from where you can see my building and university in the distance.
Lulea’s centre in the distance.

You can see my house and university in the distance if you look closely.

Today I went for a walk around northern part of the area (where I haven’t been yet). The interesting part started when I decided to take a shortcut through a forest. Everything went well at first, there were a lot of mushrooms, berries and moss was covering the ground.

When I came closer to the shore the grounds started to get wetter and wetter until I was stuck in the middle of the bog. I was in that stinky mud up to my knees and to top it off a cloud of mosquitos came from nowhere. It took me about an hour to free myself from that mud and to get to the closest road. I was all covered in this reddish mud that stinks really badly from all the decomposing stuff in the bog. The worst part was I was about an hour down the main road from home. It must have been quite a site for all the cars passing by to see some guy walking covered in red mud from toes to head.

When I finally came home I took the longest shower of my life and started to clean my cloths. I needed to wash my pants twice. Now I’m drying (with hair dryer) my shoes for about 2h and they are still wet.
Tomorrow I’ll probably stay at home because my shoes will be, by the looks of it, still wet. Hopefully I will be able to finally start working on gallery for blog and I need to split posts to multiple pages, only images on them are around 20MB at the moment.